AS Maths
You may find videos, worksheets and online self-checks for IAL Maths here.
CHAPTER 1 - Algebraic Expressions
VIDEO 1 - Index Laws - Multiplication and Division
VIDEO 2 - Index Laws - Powers and Distirbutive Law
q.1 c,d,f,g,h,i,k,l,n,o,q,r​​
q.2 b,c,g,h,k,m,n,q,r,s,v
q.3 a-f
VIDEO 3 - Index Laws - Zero and Negative Powers
VIDEO 4 - Index Laws - Fractional Indices
VIDEO 5 - Surds
VIDEO 6 - Rationalising the Denominator
VIDEO 7 - Expanding Brackets
q.1 b,c,e,f,h,j,l,o,r
q.2 a,b,e,i,l,o,q,r,s,t,v,x
VIDEO 8 - Factorisation
q.1 b,e,f,h,l,p,q,t,u,x
q.2 b,c,e,h,i,j,k
q.1 b-d​, q.2 b,c, q.3 b,c, q.4 c,d, q.5 c,d, q.6-24
CHAPTER 2 - Quadratics and Functions
WORKSHEET 1 - Exercise 2a (from textbook)
WORKSHEET 2 - Exercise 2b (from textbook)
VIDEO 3 - Solving Quadratic Equations (Completing to Square)
WORKSHEET 3 - Exercise 2c & 2d (from textbook)
WORKSHEET 4 - Functions Review
NOTE: You may refer to Functions (Ch.36 / IGCSE) if you need.
VIDEO 4 - Quadratic Graphs
EXERCISE 2F, p.30, q.1 ( a, c, e, f, i, j)
VIDEO 5 - The Discriminant
EXERCISE 2G, p.32 , q.2 - 7
CHAPTER REVIEW, p.33-4, q.2c-d, 3, 4c-d, 6 - 13.
CHAPTER 3 - Straight Line Graphs
VIDEO 1: The Gradient
EXERCISE 5A, p.86-7 q.1h, i, k, m, n, 3, 7, 9, 10
VIDEO 2: The Line Equation
EXERCISE 5B, p.88-9 q.1a, d, g, j, 2b, e, h, k, 3c, f, i, l, 5, 6, 8-12
VIDEO 3: Finding Line Equations - Two Points
EXERCISE 5C, p.90-1 q.1a, c, e, g, 2b, d, f, h, j, 3-6
EXERCISE 5D, p.92, odd-numbered questions.
VIDEO 5: Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
EXERCISE 5E, p.93, all questions
EXERCISE 5F, p.95-6 q.1a, d, g, j, 3, 7, 9-12
VIDEO 6: Length of a Line Segment
VIDEO 7: Area of a Triangle
Online Self-Check
EXERCISE 5G, p.98-9, q.1c, f, 2, 4, 6-12
CHAPTER REVIEW, p.99-102, all questions.
CHAPTER 4 - Equations and Inequalities
VIDEO 1: Linear Simultaneous Equations
EXERCISE 3A p.38 q.4, 5
VIDEO 2: Quadratic Simultaneous Equations
EXERCISE 3B p.39-40, q.4 - 6
VIDEO 3: Simultaneous Equations and Graphs
VIDEO 4: Linear Inequalities
VIDEO 5: Quadratic Inequalities
VIDEO 6: Inequalities on Graphs
VIDEO 7: Regions
EXERCISE 3G p.53, q.1, 3, 5, 6, 8
CHAPTER 5 - Graphs and Transformations
VIDEO 1: Cubic Graphs
EXERCISE 4A p.61-2, q.1a, d, g, j, 2a, e, g, h, 3a, d, e, f, h, 4a, b, d, e, j, 5 - 7
VIDEO 2: Reciprocal Graphs
EXERCISE 4B p.63, q.1a, c, e, 2 - all
VIDEO 3: Trigonometric Graphs
VIDEO 4: Graphs of Two Functions
EXERCISE 4C p.65-6, q.1a, b, d, h, j, 2 - 10
VIDEO 5: Translations
EXERCISE 4D p.69-70, q.1, 2, 4, 6, 7-9
VIDEO 6: Stretching
EXERCISE 4E p.74, q.1a, b, c, h, j, 2 - 9
EXERCISE 6G p.128-9, q.2 - 5, 7 - 9
CHAPTER 6 - Trigonometry
VIDEO 1: Cosine Rule
EXERCISE 6A p.108-10, q.1b, e, f, 2d, e, f, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 - 16
VIDEO 2: Sine Rule
EXERCISE 6B p.112-4, q.2a, c, e, 3b, d, 4d, f, 5, 6, 7c - f, 10 - 12
EXERCISE 6C p.115-6, q.1, 3, 4, 6
VIDEO 3: Bearings
EXERCISE 6A p.108-10, q.3 - 5, 17
EXERCISE 6E p.120-2, q.3 - 5
VIDEO 4: Area of a Triangle
EXERCISE 6D p.117-8, q.1a, 2b, 3 - 6
EXERCISE 6E p.120-2, q.1a, b, e, i, 2a, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15
VIDEO 5: Radian Measure
VIDEO 6: Sectors - Arc length and Perimeter
EXERCISE 7B p.137-9, q.1a-iii, 1b-ii, 1c-ii, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14
VIDEO 7: Sectors - Area ***simple mistake in second example :(
EXERCISE 7C p.142-5. q.1b, 2, 3c, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14 - 16
VIDEO 8: Segments - Area and Perimeter
EXERCISE 7C p.142-5, q.1d, 5, 9, 17
CHAPTER 7 - Differentiation 1
CHAPTER 8 - Integration 1
CHAPTER 1 - Algebraic Methods
VIDEO 1 - Algebraic Fractions
EXERCISE 1A p.2-3 q.2 g, m, n, o, q.3
VIDEO 2 - Dividing Polynomials
EXERCISE 1B p.5-6 q.1b, 1f, 2a, 2e, 3d, 4g, 4h, 5b, 6b, 9, 11, 14, 16-19
VIDEO 3 - The Factor Theorem
EXERCISE 1C p.10-1, q.5, 6, 7c, 8d, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19
VIDEO 4 - The Remainder Theorem
EXERCISE 1D p.12-3, q.1 d, h, q.2, 4, 6, 7-10
VIDEO 5 - An Introduction to Mathematical Proof
VIDEO 6 - Proof by Deduction
EXERCISE 1E p.16-7 q.1, 5, 7, 11-20
VIDEO 7 - Proof by Exhaustion
VIDEO 8 - Proof by Counter-Example
EXERCISE 1F p.19-20
CHAPTER REVIEW p.21-3 q.4, 5, 7-9, 12, 14, 16-18, 20-22, 24-27
CHAPTER 2 - Coordinate Geometry--Circles
VIDEO 1 - Midpoints in Circles
EXERCISE 2A p.27 q.2, 4-8, 11, challenge question
VIDEO 2 - Perpendicular Bisectors in Circles
EXERCISE 2B p.28-9, q.1e, 2-5, challenge question
VIDEO 3 - Equation of a Circle - Centre & Radius
EXERCISE 2C p.31-2 q.1c, 1d, 2a, 2e, 3b, 3e, 4-7
EXERCISE 2C p.31-2 q.9, 10b, 10c, 10e, 11-13
VIDEO 5 - Straight Lines & Circles
EXERCISE 2D p.34 q.2, 5-12
VIDEO 6 - Tangent & Chord Properties
EXERCISE 2E p.38-40 q.2,4-11
VIDEO 7 - Circles & Triangles
EXERCISE 2F p.43-4, q.2,4-9
CHAPTER REVIEW p.44-7, q.2,3,5,7-25
CHAPTER 3 - Exponentials and Logarithms
VIDEO 1: Exponential Functions
EXERCISE 3A p.51-2 q.2, 4-7
VIDEO 2: Introduction to Logarithms
EXERCISE 3B p.53-4 q.1, 2, 5, 6, 7b, 8b
VIDEO 3: Laws of Logarithms
EXERCISE 3C p.56 q.1-3
VIDEO 4: Logarithmic Equations
EXERCISE 3C p.56 q.4-6
EXERCISE 3D p.58 q.1e-h, 2e-h, 3-5
VIDEO 5: Changing the Base
EXERCISE 3E p.59 q.3
CHAPTER REVIEW p.60-1, all questions
CHAPTER 4 - Binomial Expansions
VIDEO 1 - Expanding Brackets & Pascal's Triangle
EXERCISE 4A p.64-5 q.2c,d,g,h, 3b,c,f,h, 4-9
EXERCISE 4B p.66 q.1b,d, 2c,e,f, 3b,d,f, 4-6, 8-11
VIDEO 3 - Binomial Expansions
EXERCISE 4C p.68 q.1c,e,f, 2c,d,e, 3b,d,f, 4c,f,i, 5-7
EXERCISE 4D p.70-1 q.1c,d,g,h,k,l, 2-10
VIDEO 4 - Estimations Using Binomial Expansions
EXERCISE 4E p.72-3 q.2-4, 6, 7, 9
CHAPTER REVIEW p.73-5 q.2-4, 7-10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20
CHAPTER 5 - Sequences and Series
VIDEO 1 - Arithmetic Sequences
EXERCISE 5A p.82-3 q.1b,c, 2c,e,f, 3d,e,f, 5-10
VIDEO 2 - Arithmetic Series
EXERCISE 5B p.85-7 q.1d,f,g,h, 2c,d 3-13
VIDEO 3 - Geometric Sequences
EXERCISE 5C p.90-1 q.3, 4c,d, 5-13
VIDEO 4 - Geometric Series
EXERCISE 5D p.93-4 q.1b,c,e,f, 2, 4-11
VIDEO 5 - Geometric Series: Sum to Infinity
EXERCISE 5E p.96-7 q.1a,b,c,g,h, 2, 5-11
VIDEO 6 - Sigma Notation
EXERCISE 5F p.98-9 q.1c,d, 2b,c, 3b,c, 4c,d, 5a,c, 6, 7, 8c, 9-12
VIDEO 7 - Recurrence Relations
EXERCISE 5G p.101-2 q.1e,f, 2d-h, 3d-f, 4-7
EXERCISE 5H p.103, q.2-5 (read the information on p.102)
WORKSHEET - past paper questions
CHAPTER 6 - Trigonometric Identities and Equations
VIDEO 1: Introduction To Unit Circle
VIDEO 2: Using the Unit Circle
VIDEO 2.1: More Examples
EXERCISE 6D p.126-7 q.3-13
VIDEO 3: Harder Trigonometric Equations
EXERCISE 6E p.129-30 all questions
VIDEO 4: Trigonometric Identities
EXERCISE 6C p.122-3 q.1-3, 4a,c,d,e, 5, 6, 10-12
VIDEO 5: Identities in Equations
EXERCISE 6F p.132-3 all questions
CHAPTER 7 - Differentiation 2
VIDEO 1: Maxima-Minima & Modelling Problems
EXERCISE 7D p.147-8, q.4-10
VIDEO 2: Increasing and Decreasing Functions
EXERCISE 7A p.138, q.1a,c,d,h, 2c,f,g, 3, 4
VIDEO 3: Stationary Points
EXERCISE 7B p.142-3. q.3b,c,e-i, 5-7 (extension: q.4)
VIDEO 4: Graphs of Gradient Functions
EXERCISE 7C p.145 q.1,2
CHAPTER REVIEW p.148-51 q.1, 3-5, 7-10, 12-14
CHAPTER 8 - Integration 2
VIDEO 1: Definite Integrals
EXERCISE 8A p.154-5 q.2-8
VIDEO 2: Area Under Curves
EXERCISE 8B p.156-7 q.2,3, 6-9
EXERCISE 8C p.159 q.1b,d,e 2, 3
EXERCISE 8D p.161-3 q.1, 3, 4, 6, 8-11
EXERCISE 8E p.165 q.1-5
VIDEO 3: The Trapezium Rule
EXERCISE 8F p.1, 3, 4, 6-10
CHAPTER REVIEW p.169-72 (all)