A2 Maths
You may find videos, worksheets and online self-checks for IAL Maths here.
CHAPTER 1 - Algebraic Methods
EXERCISE 1A p.3 q.1-4
EXERCISE 1B p.4-5 q.2c,d,f, 3d-f, 4, 5c, 6, 7
EXERCISE 1C p.7-8 q.2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10
CHAPTER REVIEW p.8-9 q.5, 6, 8-10
CHAPTER 2 - Functions and Graphs
VIDEO 1: Recall - Functions
VIDEO 2: Modulus Function
EXERCISE 2A, p.14-5 q.3b,c, 4b,d,f,h, 5, 6b,c,e, 8 - 13​
VIDEO 3: Piecewise Defined Function​
EXERCISE 2B p.19-20 q.6-8​
VIDEO 4: Mappings and Functions
EXERCISE 2B p.19-20 q.1,2,3c,d,4b,e,5,9,11,12​
VIDEO 5: Composite Functions
EXERCISE 2​C p.22-3 q.3-11
VIDEO 6: Inverse Functions​
EXERCISE 2D p.26-7 q.1b,c, 2, 3, 4a,c,d,f, 5-7, 9-12​
VIDEO 7: Graphs of Modulus Functions​
EXERCISE 2E p.30-2 q.1-4, 7-10
EXERCISE 2F p.34-5 all questions
EXERCISE 2G p.38-9 q.2,4,7,8,10
CHAPTER REVIEW p.40-44 q.2-5, 8-11, 13, 15-17, 19-24
CHAPTER 3 - Trigonometric Functions 2
VIDEO 1 - Trigonometric Functions -the other ones
EXERCISE 3A p.48 q.2e,f,g, 3b,c,f,h,j,k, 4-6
EXERCISE 3B p.52-3 q.3-5, 7e,f,g,h, 9, 10
VIDEO 2 - ​Trigonometric Identities
EXERCISE 3C p.56-7 q.1-4,
EXERCISE 3D p.60-1 q.1, 6, 10-12
VIDEO 3 - Trigonometric Equations
EXERCISE​ 3C p.56-7 q.5c,d,g,h, 6d,e,h, 7c,d, 8-11
EXERCISE 3D p.60-1 q.2-5, 7, 8e-h, 9
VIDEO 4 - Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Online Self-Check​
EXERCISE​ 3E p.64-5 q.1a,c,d,g,h, 2, 3a,c, 4-9
CHAPTER REVIEW p.66-8 q.1, 3, 4-9, 12-20, 22-24
CHAPTER 4 - Trigonometric Addition Formulae
VIDEO 1: Addition Formulae
EXERCISE 4A​ p.73-5, q.2-8, 9d,f,h,i,j, 10b,c, 11-16
EXERCISE 4B p.76-7, q. 1b,d, 2d,f,h,i,j, 3-5, 7, 9
VIDEO 2: Double Angle ​Formulae
EXERCISE ​4C p.79-81 q.4 e-h, 5c,d, 6, 7b,d-i, 8-11, 13-19
EXERCISE 4F p.91-2 q.1c,d,g-i, 2c,e,f,h, 3, 4, 6-9
EXERCISE 4E​ p.88-90 q.5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15
VIDEO 5: Solving Trigonometric Equations​
Online Self-Check​
EXERCISE 4D​ p.84-5 q.2 1b,c, 2, 4, 5c,d,f,h-k, 6-9, 11-14
CHAPTER REVIEW p.93-5 q.2-5, 7, 9-11, 14-17, 20-24
CHAPTER 5 - Exponentials and Logarithms 2
EXERCISE 5A p.104-5 q.3-7
EXERCISE 5B p.107-8 q.1c,d, 2, 3b,d,e, 4, 5
EXERCISE 5C p.109-10 q.1c-e, 2c-f, 3, 5c,d, 6, 8
EXERCISE 5D p.113-6 q.2, 4, 5, 8, 9
EXERCISE 5E p.117-8 q.2-6
CHAPTER 6 - Differentiation 3
VIDEO 1 - Differentiation - Basics
VIDEO 2 - The Chain Rule
EXERCISE 6A p.125 q.1-3
EXERCISE 6B p.127-8 q.1, 2
EXERCISE 6C p.130-1 q.1, 2, 11
EXERCISE 6F p.140-2 q.1a-c, 2a-d,g,h, 3
VIDEO 3 - The Product Rule
EXERCISE 6D p.133 q.1, 2, 7, 9
EXERCISE 6F p.140-2 q.1d, 2e, 4a,d
VIDEO 4 - The Quotient Rule
EXERCISE 6E p.135-6 q.1, 2, 9, 11
EXERCISE 6F p.140-2 q.2f, 4b,c,e,f
VIDEO 5 - Derivative with respect to y
VIDEO 6 - Applications of Derivatives
EXERCISE 6A p.125 q.6-9
EXERCISE 6B p.127-8 q.4, 5, 7-12
EXERCISE 6C p.130-1 q.4, 5, 12, 13
EXERCISE 6D p.133, q.3c, 4-6, 8, 10
EXERCISE 6E p.135-6 q.6-8, 10, 12
EXERCISE 6F p.140-2 q.5, 10, 12
CHAPTER REVIEW p.142-3 q.1-9
CHAPTER 7 - Integration 3
VIDEO 1 - Integration by Recognition
VIDEO 2 - Integration by Substitution
CHAPTER 8 - Numerical Methods Soon
CHAPTER 1 - Proof by Contradiction
VIDEO 1 - Proof by Contradiction
EXERCISE 1A p.4,5 q.2, 3, 4a,c, 5a, 6-8, 10
CHAPTER REVIEW p.5 q.1, 2, 6
CHAPTER 2 - Partial Fractions
VIDEO 1: Partial Fractions - Introduction
VIDEO 2: Partial Fractions - Proper Fractions
EXERCISE 2A p.9 q.1b,d,e,g,h 2, 5, 7b, Challenge
VIDEO 3: Partial Fractions - Proper Fractions with Repeated Factors
EXERCISE 2B p.11 q.2, 4, 7, 8a,b
EXERCISE 2C p.13-4, q.1a-d, 2, 4a-c, 5, 6a,b, 8a,b, Challenge
VIDEO 5: Partial Fractions - Fractions with Irreducible Factors
WORKSHEET: Partial Fractions - Irreducible Factors
CHAPTER REVIEW p.14 q.3, 4b, 5, 6a, 7b, 9, 10b, 11, 12a, 13